Trike of the Month October 2012

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Trike of the month October 2012

Poll ended at Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:04 am

Trike no 3
Trike no 3
Trike no 3
Total votes: 44

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Trike of the Month October 2012

Post by Dr Death »

Now I've extricated my self from "The Garden Bar" ......For f*** sake Scotty beam me up.......It's time once again to subject our membership to the ancient ordeal of TOM.

I sat scratching my nether regions ten minutes ago and realised we needed a VOLKSWAGEN Month...........oh lordielordie I hear you say....

Never mind....out with the Tramadol and onward and upward we go....metaphoricaly speaking that is...

Trike No 1
Owned and run by Cyprus Trike
This is my pride and joy “KT”. It is a VW Trike made by WK Trikes in Germany. It has a 1973 1600cc engine and I have fitted a twin choke weber. Next job on her is to get all the fairing repainted, black again. She gets her name “KT” from the number plate.
One good thing here is a Trike does not require an MOT but on the down side it is insured as a bike and a bike with a 1600cc engine is not cheap. The biggest bonus is we normally have about 8-9 months of sun here so lots of riding her out and posing in tourist area.




Trike No 2
Owned and run by Dan Sanderson.
This my pride and joy, a custom built 1600 VW Trike, I've had it for a year now, and bought it from a guy in derbyshire, where it was built and finally now up and running and on the road ready for the summer!




Trike No 3
Was owned by Mike Green or TheG as we know him, Plays a double bass for a living. Marc sold it for him during the summer. If the new owner is a member on the forum please raise your hand.
Here is my trike that I bought here off Marc several years ago.
It is a WK Highway Trike 1600 and will be for sale in the not too distant future




That's it then 'arry.

"Yar Farkin Cint".......How did she get in here

Now then young lady.....Just go home your rather drunk

"Drenk, Yar Farkin Cint...I int drenk Yar Farkin Cint"

I'm orft See yah....and get votin
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Post by geoffnewblue »

I was 50 50 between 1 and 2 but the double seat won it for me as it saves me getting nagged at if I go out for a ride as her indoors can come with me.
daddy moose

Post by daddy moose »

i went cyprus , coz its hot were he comes from and must be a drag riding in all that glorious weather ,poor sod ,lol:respek:
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Post by MIXA »

Hard choise as all 3 are realy nice rides but cyprus just piped the otheres , the seat design is what did it
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Post by shadowryder »

I prefer the Minimalist look so its gotta be No#2 for me,more slimline and low down,
All are cracking machines but it pips the post for me,



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Post by Willgofar »

3 nice trikes again DD. i think i will vote later when i've mulled them over.
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Post by B9triker »

Bit of head scratching for me. But I've gone for No. 2 - Dans trike. Nice and minimal as Shadowryder puts it. Plus I'm comparing them with my Desperate Dan trike which is fairly minimalistish.

Sorry Cyprus Trike (an I'm jealous about your hot triking weather) and Mike.
Two wheels good, four wheels bad, three's better...

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trailer trash

Post by trailer trash »

all nice but number 2 for me
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Post by DeathBySnuSnu »

Wooooo Hoooooo
A VW month,

Hmmmmmm....... 2
But all cool.
No losers here.
You have to build it before it can be called custom.:hmm:
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Post by Tweety »

Number 2. A couple of personal ideas like raising the frotn of the tank up an inch or so and maybe 295 rear tyres and 10 inch wheels. Just my view but it is nice and tidy.
Australian Panther trike customised, Subaru ea81 SPFI, VW auto trans, Detour camper trailer.
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