... dg=feature
Please feel free to add your own location, though we would suggest that you place the marker at least 1/2 mile away from your exact address.
Rough instructions are:
To create a new entry
- Click on Edit
Zoom the map into your location.
Click on the blue upside down teardrop at the top left of the map
click where you want to pinpoit your location. Do not put it exactly where your trike is else would thieves will find it more easily.
Type in a title and description
Click on the blue upside down tear drop, in the top right, to change it to something different.
Click OK
To edit an existing entry
Please only change your own entries
- Click Edit
Click on your pin/icon
Click on the icon in the top right
You can change to one of the default icons, or add one of your own.
If you want the trike one:
Click "Add an icon"
Copy this into the box -
Click OK
Otherwise use a default ones
Click on the icon you want
Click OK
Click Save