Just found this one
http://www.theguardian.com/environment/ ... why-or-how
While we at it why not bring back the poll tax and pastie tax we could also ban crisps.Old Mitch wrote:If you hate cyclists that do not follow the rules of the road e.g. go through red lights etc. Then this is the site to go to.![]()
Just found this one
http://www.theguardian.com/environment/ ... why-or-how
At last....a bit of sense on the forum...VmaxRik wrote:Yeah...and all trikers should be made to wear helmets. Hang on a minute....scratch that.![]()
easier to poke your walking stick through their front wheel next time Mitch. the'll think twice about doing it again.Old Mitch wrote:It's the odd few cyclist that need monitoring. We are teaching our 4 year old grandaughter to use the crossings by pressing the button and waiting for the green man because it is now safe to cross. Wrong we've nearly been taken out this year by cyclists that don't observe the red light a total of 4 times. They come out of nowhere weaving between the traffic and straight through the red light without even slowing down. If they had a registration on the bike then they would not be able to do that.